Lazy Ramen Soup

Lazy Ramen Soup

If you’re like me, most days you don’t have a lot of energy for cooking.  Let alone energy to figure out what to cook.  In the past few years I’ve picked up a few meals that I can make without having to use a lot of thought or energy, and one of them is a lazy ramen soup.  


When I was living in San Antonio, I went out to eat a lot.  I would get ramen, pho, poke, chicken tikka masala, curry- so many yummy foods that when I moved back to Wisconsin I’ve had a harder time finding.  Or just a lack of desire to drive 45 minutes into Milwaukee in hopes that the place I picked would live up to my expectations.  It’s a lot easier to stop at a restaurant when it’s on your way home from work than it is to drive over an hour round trip just for one meal.  But I digress.


In an effort to cure a flavor craving I was having, I whipped up a bowl of ramen and have been remaking it since.  The beauty of it is that it is simple and flexible- usually I’m just using what I have in the fridge.  The other thing is that it is really quick- I’d say start to finish it’s probably less than 30 minutes.

Up close view of finished ramen with eggs and bok choy

*Please keep in mind this is in no way a traditional meal, nor am I an expert in Asian cuisine.  This is just something I make for myself that I enjoy, that I want to share.



(for one serving)

Ramen Noodles (any brand, I usually use Lotus Foods Millet & Brown Rice or Maruchan)

Fish Sauce

2 Garlic Cloves

1/4 Onion (Red, yellow, or white OR one shallot)

1/2 large Carrot 

1 Egg

Sesame Oil

Red Chilies (as many for your spice level.  I usually do one.)


Tofu (Or other protein of choice) 


Chili Oil

Celery Greens

Bok Choy

Sesame Seeds for topping


Nori Paper (ripped into pieces)

Mushrooms ( I like Enoki or Beech)

Chives and Chive Blossoms

Bouillon (any flavor that will pair well with your protein, I like the Better than Bouillon brand.)


cutting board with suggested ingredients laid out and labeled


1.)  Finely chop your onion, garlic, and chilies.  Cut your carrot into small pieces- I usually cut it lengthwise into quarters, then slice it thin.  The carrot will cook quicker the thinner it is, so cutting it this way will help it soften faster.  If you are using peanuts chop those up as well.

cutting board with prepped ingredients

2.)  Heat some sesame oil in a pot over medium-low heat.  A good trick to know when it is ready is to get your fingers wet under the tap and flick a small amount of water into the pot.  If the oil pops, it is ready.  If there is a delayed reaction it needs more time to heat.

a small pot on the stove with sesame oil coating the bottom, the stove is on medium low heat

3.)  When the oil is ready, put in all of your chopped ingredients.  Let them cook, stirring often, until softened and fragrant.  

Chopped onions, garlic, and chilis softened in the pot

4.)  Prepare any other ingredients.  If you are using celery greens, roughly chop them.  If you are using tofu, slice it into cubes.  Nori Paper should be chopped or ripped, and scallions finely chopped.  Wash your egg.

5.)  When your veggies are softened and everything else is prepped, add water to your pot.  It is best to use cold water, since this will help to deglaze anything sticking to the bottom.  Add a splash of fish sauce.  Turn up the heat and let it come to a boil.  If you are using celery greens, mushrooms, or bouillon, add them now.

Pouring water into the pot of softened veggies

6.)  Add your egg to the boiling water.  It will boil while you finish the soup- if you want your egg hard boiled, let it sit in the boiling water for about 5 minutes before you continue to the next step.  If you like it soft boiled, you can immediately continue to the next step. 

7.)  Add your ramen noodles.  *Depending on the type of ramen you use, the cook time may vary slightly.  I have found that Maruchan ramen cooks faster than the Lotus Foods kind.  

If you are using bok choy, add it now.

Adding ramen and bok choy to the pot

8.)  When the noodles are done cooking, turn off the heat and remove the egg.  Peel the shell, but be careful as it will be hot.  I like to run it under cold water first so I don’t burn my fingers.  When it’s peeled, slice it in half and add it back to your soup.

finished ramen with egg and bok choy

9.)  Serve and enjoy!  I like to top it off with scallions, chill oil, and nori paper.

Using chopsticks to hold up ramen noodles from the bowl


If you try it let me know what you think!




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